If you are looking for a short pair of socks that can be used for both long-distance running and other outdoor activities then these Storm Bloc sports socks are the perfect socks for you.
These socks are great for the summer months. The performance polyester blend is designed to keep your feet cool and dry; by wicking moisture away from the foot. This allows you to have blister and sweat free feet. Their short leg also allows them to be lightweight and breathable, essential features which runners and outdoor goers alike want to find in a summer activity sock.
These Storm Bloc socks provide extra protection to the outdoor elements. A cushioned foot provides extra protection when running or hiking on rough terrain and an integrated arch support will reduce fatigue in your feet. They also have a heel tab to prevent the rubbing of the back of your trainers on your ankle.
These Storm Bloc socks are available in 2 colours. They are a size 4-8 UK 37-42 eur 5-9 US. They are made from 95% polyester 5% elastane. They come in a 3 pair pack and are machine washable.